Verónica superstar!
Esta es la princesita mellada más bella del mundo :D
Aquí iba disfrazada de "chica ye-yé" en la fiesta de disfraces del colegio, con una peluca pelirroja y un traje de estrellas brillantes.
Me costó un poco conseguir el gesto, la verdad, y aunque no ha salido ninguna obra de arte para enmarcar, al menos el resultado me hizo sonreir.........Para mi es suficiente... :)
This is the most beautiful and chipped princess in the world :D
It was the school carnival and she was dressed up as a funny dancer, with a long curly red wig and a shiny dress with stars.
It was a bit difficult drawing the gesture and, though it isn't a great artwork for framing, at least the result has made me smile... It's enough for me... :)
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